Choose festivals
Satt och spånade på grejer man kunde skriva på en tröja, här är en liten "Trainspotting"-text jag kom upp med.
Choose festivals. Choose earplugs. Choose happiness. Choose friends. Choose big fucking amplifiers, choose drum kits the size of your car, PA systems, sound cables and mixers. Choose no sleep, high alcohol intake and unwashed clothes. Choose a crappy sleeping bag. Choose cargo pants and big ass matching boots. Choose stages large as parking buildings and wonder how the fuck they managed to build it. Choose talking to complete strangers for three days straight and concider them your closest mates. Choose loving music so much you can spend a weekend soaking wet, not minding getting the cold of your life. Choose sitting outside somebodys tent at four thirty in the morning, laughing with your friends, while somebody is taking a piss at the tent.
Choose you future.
Choose festivals.
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